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Workforce and Staffing Resources

Job Training

  • First Source Jobs Program: Assist participants to improve their skills as job seekers and, consequently, be more successful in their job search. Somerville residents, who enroll in the program, will receive support in all aspects of job seeking, including help establishing individual career plans; job readiness workshops; access to a comprehensive, constantly updated comprehensive list of job openings in the City, and job placement and post-placement follow-up. For more information, contact Blake Roberts Crall, 617.410.9902,

Health Insurance

  • Massachusetts Health Connector: Commonwealth's health insurance Marketplace, providing individuals, families, and small business with access to coverage. Small businesses with fewer than fifty (50) full-time employees are qualified to apply for insurance. Call
    1-877-MA-ENROLL (1-877-623-6765) for assistance.

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