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Space Resources

Looking for Space

SiteFinder: Helps you find the right location for your business in Somerville. Find a list below of available commercial property in Somerville and relative information to factor your decision, including location, asking price and square-footage, along with a direct link to the listing broker

Commercial Leases

Harvard Transaction Legal Clinic has developed this Commerical Lease 101 Legal Toolkit to help small businesses navigate lease negotiations.  This toolkit will provide an explanation of common provisions in commercial leases and how to interpret and apply these provisions, and recommend provisions that commercial tenants may try to include when negotiating a new commercial lease.

Energy Efficiency 

Rise Egineering

Resonant Energy is a community-based solar provider whose mission is to help underrepresented communities take their place at the forefront of the global transition to clean energy. They specialize in finding options for non-profits, affordable housing, small business and faith centers across the income spectrum.

Resonant Energy

Resonant Energy is a community-based solar provider whose mission is to help underrepresented communities take their place at the forefront of the global transition to clean energy. They specialize in finding options for non-profits, affordable housing, small business and faith centers across the income spectrum.

Direct Install for Small Business (Mass Save): Eversource provides eligible business customers a free energy audit of their facility by Mass Save. The audit will identify energy saving opportunities, and potentially pay for up to 70% of the total cost for retrofitting qualified lighting and mechanical systems. Gas measures will also be addressed. For further information and other small business incentives, please visit Mass Save's website for businesses.

Storefront Imrovements

ADA & Accessibility Information


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