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Volunteer Opportunities:

Community participation is vital to accomplishing East Somerville Main Streets goals. If you want to find a way to help out and get involved here are some ways to do so:
Volunteer at one of our events!
ESMS often needs help with our public events.  Events that needs volunteers include:
  • Neighborhood Clean-ups (April and November)
  • Carnaval (June)
  • Foodie Crawl (September)
Additional volunteer opportunities are welcome!

Looking to become more connected and involved in East Somerville?  Try volunteer on one of our Committees!

Promotions Committee:

*Meets Monthly on (usually) the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM

 Changing people’s attitudes toward the commercial district and marketing the district to residents, investors, visitors and others. (e.g. event planning, marketing) Building collaborative partnerships between a broad range of groups, organizations and constituents.


Fundraising Committee:

*Meets Monthly on (usually) Last Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM

The Fundraising Committee is primarily responsible for maintaining and increasing the financial capacity of East Somerville Main Streets to achieve its programmatic goals.  Reviews grant opportunities, plans fundraising events and brainstorms ideas for fundraisers.  


Design Review Committee:

*Meets Quarterly at 8 :15 AM on weekdays

Advocating that design of new developments occur that are consistent with the character of our neighborhood and the Vision created for the East Broadway Business District as the heart of our community.  Reviews development designs and gives feedback for improvements and advocates for support when necessary to see positive change come to the community. 

If you are interested in joining a committee email ESMS at

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