Cultural Workshops
The cultural workshops were part of the community process to create our beautiful murals and mosaic. They included:
East Branch Library Mosaic​
We held six workshops at the East Somerville Community School with grades 2 and 7 to conceptualize and mold the actual clay pieces for the mosaic. This created over 100 unique pieces that represent the children's history and perspective.
There were also six workshops at Beautiful Stuff Project, one workshop at the Broadway Senior Center, one workshop in the East Somerville library and two workshops at MudFlat Studios, to produce clay pieces for the mosaic that would include the perspective of people in the community from as many backgrounds as possible.

East Cross St Mural
The Mural and Story Workshop (on July 18th 2015) was a collaboration of True Story Theater, artists Nate Swain and Laura Smith. It involved the community telling their stories and representing images through drawings that were later repainted in the final mural. The event was interpreted in three languages: Spanish, Portuguese and Haitian Creole.
During the This Is East Festival (on October 11th, 2015) True Story Theater represented more stories and artist Laura Smith captured quotes from people's stories to write by neighbors' silhouettes traced on the mural.